Monday, January 30, 2012

Stop me if you've heard this one....

So (have you noticed that "so" is becoming, like, the new "like?"  Listen to NPR--and there are those of you who receive these things who'd sooner stick needles in your eyes than do that, and you know who you are, and so do I-- and, way too often lately, a guest will commence a response to a direct question with "So..." and then launch into their answer.  Maybe it's not "like," then as much as "Um," or maybe it's both....), I know I've whined about this before I went worldwide, but I don't always want to do shows that are topical and on oh-so-important topics.   There's so much fodder for such stuff, and I want to be relevant and provocative most of the time, but not didactic or polemical all the time.  Sometimes, we all need a break.  So this week, to the best of my ability, there'll be pap.  In honor of Groundhog Day (the movie, not the "event;"  what's a fuzzy pudgy rodent gonna tell us about this "winter," anyway, other than "you guys have fucked the climate up beyond belief; in 15 years I'm gonna be living in the Arctic Circle or else have slimmed  down and become a mongoose"?), I'm going to be playing multiple versions of  7 (seven) songs plus, of course, "I've Got You, Babe."  I think that the versions are varied enough, and the songs good enough, that they'll be entertaining and not just ennui-inducing.  Back when I taught writing (Oh, those poor, poor students) I'd do stuff like that under the guise of talking about revision, but it was really just an excuse to listen to some music I liked and fill out some class time. Tomorrow, then, as usual:  Noon til 2, 100.1FM, on the webs.

A couple of notes:  if you become members or followers, you'll receive email notification of each new post automatically, I think.  I posted a step-by-step on how to do that, and I'm pretty sure it works (notice how strongly I have the courage of my convictions?).  I'd love it if you'd join (6 more people did last week) and, especially,  post comments.  I'd love to hear what you have to say, and it might spark further discussion or engender new ideas, of which I obviously have a dearth.

Disclaimer:  All words, unless otherwise attributed, are mine.  I mean, I didn't coin them all, but... well, you probly get it.  The poem from last week, for instance, caused some confusion:  some of you wondered at its authorship and provenance, some thinking or assuming it was Alice's.  On her behalf, I express my outrage; her grocery lists are better-crafted and smarter.  Anyway, I hope this clears up any confusion.  Or causes more, whichever comes first.


  1. Why not 7 versions of "I Got You Babe" and see if you can cause a spike in the local suicide rate?

  2. Well that clears up MY confusion. Only no, it still doesn't notify me that you've posted your post. Thanks for the compliment on my grocery lists; I do work hard on them.
    PS--That's sick, Stig.

  3. Well, I'm not sure if I agree that it's sick, but Stiggy, please Illuminati me: who are you? And besides, I only had the 2 versions--but I can play them several times, if you'd like.

  4. So... to the contrary, I used to be listless, dissatisfied, and uninterested, (and uninteresting);so.. then i started reading the rantings of a guy engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument and refutation; so.. i soon realized that he was intending to convey instruction (oh, we poor,poor students) and information as well as pleasure. Yep, you sent me to the dictionary this morning. Crank up the power today Mark, so I can hear your show in the shop.

  5. tom, you beat me to it, so now I can't use so. ummmm... well, I do "like" the theme, Mark. And now i'm going to have to get a copy of groundhog day and finally watch it, as my kids have been suggesting for some time. Why? Do they think I repeat myself? Do they think I repeat myself?

    i kept waiting for you to mention Déjà vu and that great scene in the Matrix when the black cat walks by again (speaking of global warming, messing up the planet and other light post-apocolyptic topics!) So, maybe that's too heavy for this week?

    Thanks for another great show!

  6. Fran,

    I'm had a song title for years, but no lyrics or music (I'm best with titles): "The Cryptic, Dyspeptic, Dialectic, Apoplectic Post-Apocalyptic Calypso;" wanna write it?
