Monday, August 20, 2012

"America, Where Are You Now...?

So yeah, it's another week, and thus nominally the self-appointed time for a nearly 60 year old pretty privileged and insular white guy in the wilds of New Hampshire to fulminate against the evils and fucked-upednesses he sees in the world, and, apparently this week, to do so in the third person.  But really, it's all just "blah, blah, blah" or "obla-di, obla-da," isn't it?  To wit:

115 degree rain fell in the Mojave Desert this week.  Hot tubs are kept at around 104 F.  It was   the hottest July in recorded human history.  Even The Wall Street Journal is suggesting that it might be time to start taking this shit seriously.  Repug Govs. Chris Christie of NJ and John Kasich of Ohio are also saying the climate is getting "hotter and wilder."  Guess they're dead to the Right now, huh?

An African-American couple was prevented from marrying in a mostly-white Baptist church in Crystal Springs, Miss. because they were told by their pastor that the congregation had decided that "no blacks should marry in this church." In 2012. That's one man, one woman; that's a "normal couple"  attempting to start a "normal" family, the sacrosanct unit to the Religious Right (which, again, proves that they are neither).  Yeah, I think that Jesus said "One man, one woman--except for niggers," right?

Todd Akin, Republican Senatorial candidate from Missouri (the "Show Me" state) and currently a member of the House SCIENCE COMMITTEE  said that cases of "legitimate rape"  (think about that one for about a nanosecond before your head explodes) don't usually result in pregnancy "because the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down."  Yeah, and they can spin their heads 720 degrees on their necks and projectile-spew green bile at will, too.  If we didn't need 'em to breed with us--white women, that is--we'd be better off just bein' with other guys, ya know?   As the Reverend Haggard said,--oh, never mind.  So Akin's in the House, now, and on the science committee (Earth's only 6,000 years old, y'know);  at the whim of ignorant voters maybe soon a US Senator.

Paul Ryan, the current golden boy of the Right, Willard's choice for VP, wants to cut taxes on the rich and fruitlessly attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the poor.  Again, just the way Jesus spelled it out on those golden tablets he left behind when he visited America.  "Mitt gliberty, und justice for some."

Some guy in Nevada, wearing a legal concealed weapon at a movie theater (what's up with guns and theaters anyway, Mrs. Lincoln?) shot himself in the ass as he attempted to adjust his seat.

Why isn't everyone walking around either laughing maniacally or wailing bitterly?

So this week, on my radio show, for no reason whatsoever, songs with women's names in the title.  I'm serious. Why the hell not?  I'm going alphabetically through the alphabet (not really a redundancy).  It can be fun, although, admittedly, "U" and "X" are one-shot deals, and sketchy at best even then. Tuesday, noon till two on 100.1 FM, on the webs.

"Why did you leave, America?"

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