Monday, October 15, 2012

Can't You See I'm Busy?

For which, I guess, I should be grateful.  But I've just embarked on a house project that looks like it promises to be the most stressful of my career.  Alice says that I say that about every job, but this time I mean it.  Really.  Thus, for the foreseeable future, which for me is usually about 15 minutes, I shan't be doing a radio programme, and only a sketchy blog post.  I miss you guys, man, and hope to get back to the real stuff soon.

Meanwhile this, lifted in its entirety from The Week, Oct 19 edition:  "A congressman who sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology has dismissed 'evolution, embryology (!--mine), and big bang theory' as 'lies from the pit of Hell.'  Speaking to a church group, Rep. Paul Broun (R [there's a shock]-Ga. [and another] said that the earth is only 9,000 years old, and that science keeps people 'from understanding that they need a savior.'"
