Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"G-O-P, A-B-M, M-O-U-S-E"

Anyone remember when Esso had to change its name in the US for some arcane legal reason, and became Exxon?  (Their slogan was "Esso's changing its name to Exxon!")  The dearly departed and sorely missed, by me at least, National Lampoon did a piece parodying that choice, brilliantly, as usual, with "America's changing its name to Nixxon!"  And damned if the Committee to Re-Elect the President ( one of the all-time great acronyms-- "CReEP") didn't have something like that in mind, as Watergate pointed up.

Now, it looks like the Grand Old Party is becoming Anyone But Mitt.  Bachman?  Perry?  Newt?  And now Santorum, after he swept the 3 most recent caucuses?  All serving as The Great WickedWhite Hope, at one time or another, each supplanting the previous when her or his clay feet crumbled even in their supporters' adoringly myopic eyes.  It's amusing as hell to watch 'em blow up one by one, often as a result of the grenades lobbed by their fellow Repugs.  It would be way funnier if there didn't exist the very real possibility that one of them could conceivably be elected President.

Andy Warhol had it almost right:  In the future, everyone will be the Republican frontrunner for 15 minutes-- exceptin' Alice.

Oh yeah, and me.


  1. Broadly Eclectic Mark for President!

  2. As I see it, the only chance that the "repugs" have is to nominate Mitt, and he will be nominated because the powers that be in the "repug" party are not going to stand by and have their party be any more of a laughing stock than what it is already. That's the problem, he is the only one of those guys that can win. Once he wraps it up, he'll start back-pedaling toward the middle, where most of the electorate is. Santorum is really a pretty good guy, but he is wearing the collar of a priest when it comes to the issue of contraception and abortion. I too agree that human life is precious, and sacred, but come on, 98% of all Catholics use contraception, and isn't it more practical and moral to prevent pregancy than to deal with unwanted children who so dearly deserve and need to be wanted, loved and nurtured? So often, I think that the ideologues are tripping over their egos, and I for one am not impressed. Ok Alice, if you are willing to spend the next 4 yrs in Washington, (maybe you could be the poet laureate?) then I say yes, broadly eclectic Mark let's have you be president, but are you sure you know what you're getting into?

  3. We already did our time in Washington--New Hampshire, that is. I'll let Alice speak for herself, but as for me, and just to stop this rapidly-building tsunami of popular opinion: In the words of William Tecumseh Sherman, "If nominated I will run away, if elected I will not observe any rules of decorum"--or something like that. I ask instead that you throw your support behind Vermin Supreme. Who COULDN'T use a pony?
