Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet the new post, same as the old post

See, here's the problem with linking blog posts with radio show themes:  If I don't get to do the show, as happened last week (I've still gotta make a living, you know), then, if I still want to use the show theme and playlist, there's likely nothing more I want to--or can--say about it.  That's the case this week;  same theme and songs as last week, no new stuff to say.

Except that Alice B. Fogel set off yesterday on the latest leg of her solo Appalachian Trail quest, this one from Etna, NH to Gorham, NH, a distance of 150 or so miles and 16-18 days, across the Presidential Range, including Mt. Washington, which bills itself as having the worst weather on Earth.  Oy!  Momma never told me there'd be days--or weeks-- like this.  Needless to say, then, Fran, we weren't at Clearwater this year.

See you tomorrow on the radio, noon till 2; the freshness date still hasn't expired.

Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you....


  1. I am at a hiker hostel in tiny little Glencliff, NH, where I got to shower and wash some clothes and eat a salad! It doesn't get much better than this--unless, of course, you stay home where you can do that plus a lot more. Still, Cube Mt. was my favorite--gorgeous views, cool rocks and lichen, and the shelter where I stayed last night (alone) was hexagonal. But I'm terrified of the big Mooselauke not to mention all the rest. Wish I'd got to catch your show. Love--

  2. I hope that Alice is doing ok with this heat! Maybe she can hop in a cold mountain stream once in a while. Funny she mentions Cube Mt. It used to be in my back yard. After college, I lived in a cabin halfway up the slopes of Smarts Mt. in Lyme, and used to hike along the AT from the Smarts firetower to Cube and back alot. The infamous Meldrin Thompson (former radical governor from NH) used to live at the base of Cube, and he and his wife used to have thru-hikers stay in one of their buildings. Small world. We're thinking about you Alice!

  3. Missed you at Clearwater this year - highlight for me was seeing Ani DiFranco!

    A bit of a delayed response here, I am just catching up on my internet reading materials ;)

    Been doing lots of painting and drawing this summer, and NOT a lot of computer. Now there is a HARD addiction to break. Want to do a post on how technology is taking over our lives? Very timely.
