Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Markness Risible

No, that doesn't mean what you think, especially at this age.  Just Google the definition.

It appears that many of you faithful postees are the sort who bring gifts to events that specify "No gifts, please" on the invitations.

My dear, dear friends and loved ones--and, really, what is the difference between those terms?  If you are my friend, you are my loved one; if you are my loved one, you are my friend.  I am an extremely fortunate man--thank you all so much for the posts, emails, phone calls.  Although, as I said in Sunday's missive, I was not seeking same, humans are generally quite empathic, especially to those they care about, and you have proved this.

My intent was  threefold: to explain ways I'd been being that some of you might have noticed and wondered about;  in my usual overblown sense of self-importance, maybe, (to use some therapspeak,) to "model a behavior."  This is tough stuff, this coping, this dealing with the psyche and  all of the slings and arrows; perhaps, I thought, if I relate my experiences, others may feel okay-er about theirs.  Finally, I was pretty sure the topic would provide me with enough songs for a show, which it did.

Whatever the intent, I just want to make sure that you all know that, in the larger sense, I am fine.  I'm just going through some stuff, stuff lots of you have gone through or are going through, and that this, too, shall pass.  I'm just waiting for the drugs to kick in.  Life throws us all shit to deal with, and we deal as best we can, sometimes more easily than others.  And while I really appreciate being called brave, it's really just irrepressible self-exposure.  "...I can't help myself...."

I'll try to find something topical, upbeat or fun for next week, just to shake things up. Any suggestions?


  1. Upbeat to a degree, at least up on my little hill: Here's what I can give you this AM:

    Gardening is pulling the leash, and I will let'er rip this Sunday.

    Roses are all ready to bloom, and thanks to Terra Flora the bed looks good.

    Haven't lost a chicken to a varmint in months.

    The geriatric cat and dog are both still continent.

    Themes seem to be spring stuff, and animal stuff.

    If you go with the animal stuff, please resist a tune I heard on WINQ while listening for our company ad (I felt the need to explain that) - "I want you to love me like my dog does". seriously, you can look it up.

  2. I was thinking that visual art would be a good theme, obviously because I'm a visual artist... but lately I have been doing a bunch of drawings that I call my "Ugly Fruit" series. They are pictures of weird heirloom tomatoes, artichoke flowers, bizarre carrots that look like ginseng, old beets, etc. and most recently - potatoes, all kinds of potatoes.

    So maybe the vegetable theme would work for now and you can do a show on visual art for me some other time ;)
